—— 1 year ago · 4 min read ——

Top Bitcoin tumblers

Top 5 Bitcoin tumblers to enhance your privacy.

Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, provides partial anonymity and privacy to its users. However, Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, and thus the transactions can be traced back to the sender and receiver.

To maintain full anonymity, users often use Bitcoin tumblers, also known as Bitcoin mixers, which mix or shuffle Bitcoin transactions to make them untraceable. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 Bitcoin tumblers, including their features and pros and cons when compared with their competition.

What is a Bitcoin tumbler?

A Bitcoin tumbler is a software that helps to mix or shuffle Bitcoin transactions to make them untraceable. Bitcoin tumblers work by combining multiple transactions into a single transaction, and then distributing the mixed Bitcoin among the users involved. This process makes it challenging to trace the transactions back to their original sender and receiver.

Best Bitcoin tumblers

So, which of these services and platforms provide the best features for their users? Here is a list of 5 best Bitcoin tumblers currently out there:

1. Wasabi Wallet

Wasabi Wallet is a popular Bitcoin tumbler that offers mixing services for Bitcoin. Wasabi Wallet is an open-source platform that uses CoinJoin, a privacy-focused Bitcoin transaction protocol, to ensure complete anonymity and security of its users' transactions. The platform charges a dynamic fee based on the size of the transaction.

Thanks to all of this, Wasabi Wallet, as well as its competitor Samourai Wallet, are two of the most used and most recognized Bitcoin wallets when it comes to privacy. Wasabi Wallet also uses easy and intuitive interface. However, it can have a bit unpredictable fee for some users, which can be viewed as a minor con. 

2. Samourai Wallet

As was mentioned above, one of the biggest competitors of Wasabi Wallet when it comes to privacy is Samourai Wallet with Whirlpool. Samourai Wallet is a Bitcoin wallet that offers a built-in Bitcoin tumbler called Whirlpool. Whirlpool uses a privacy-focused protocol called Chaumian CoinJoin to ensure complete anonymity and security of its users' transactions.

The platform charges a fee ranging from 0.3% to 5%, depending on the anonymity level desired. It also offers variety of different features such as PayNyms, to improve the overall privacy-oriented experience of the users.

3. Bitcoin Blender

Bitcoin Blender is another top Bitcoin tumbler that offers mixing services for Bitcoin. Bitcoin Blender uses a mixing technique very similar to that of the Samourai’s Whirlpool.  The platform charges a dynamic fee based on the size of the transaction.

As of now it only supports Bitcoin, which some might view as a con, yet, this is the case for most of the best Bitcoin tumblers. On the other hand, it has been operating since 2017, which means it is one of the oldest Bitcoin tumblers out there. It also allows for transaction delays, which can improve the privacy of the users significantly.

4. Unijoin Mixer

Unijoin Mixer is a Bitcoin tumbler that offers mixing services for Bitcoin. The platform uses a combination of CoinJoin and a unique multi-layer system to ensure complete anonymity and security of its users' transactions. Unijoin Mixer charges a flat fee of 0.5% for mixing transactions.

One of the strong sides of this Bitcoin tumbler is the fact that it has a very positive reputation amongst the Bitcoin community. It also has a rather low minimum transaction limit, making it services accessible to almost anyone. Yet, compared to other Bitcoin tumblers on this list, it is a bit less intuitive.

5. Whir

Last, but definitely not least, when it comes to the best Bitcoin tumblers, Whir is slowly getting its foot in the door. This emerging privacy-oriented Bitcoin tumbler is using CoinJoin technology to provide a seamless experience for those, who are concerned with their financial privacy on the Bitcoin network.

It currently does not require any account or KYC processes, does not store logs of transactions or any other information about users. It even improves the privacy of the users thanks to Tor. As of now it charges 1% fee for its services and needs only one transaction confirmation for the transactions to be processed.


In conclusion, Bitcoin tumblers are essential tools for maintaining anonymity and privacy in Bitcoin transactions. Wasabi Wallet, Samourai Wallet, Bitcoin Blender, Unijoin and Whir are among the best Bitcoin tumblers in the market. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages, and users should choose the platform that best suits their needs.

Overall, Bitcoin tumblers are valuable tools for maintaining anonymity and privacy in Bitcoin transactions. By using a Bitcoin tumbler, users can ensure that their transactions are untraceable, which enhances their privacy and security.

Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.

Further reading

3 days ago · 6 min read

Crypto Mixers and the Fight for Privacy

Financial privacy is under increasing threat from stringent KYC and AML regulations. While these measures are intended to curb illicit activity, they also expose ordinary users to extensive surveillance and data collection, undermining their personal autonomy and security. As a result of these regulations, crypto mixers and privacy-focused wallets are being targeted, but what are the real consequences of losing financial privacy?

17 days ago · 5 min read

A message to US and EU users

With the recent pressure to eliminate blockchain privacy tools such as privacy wallets and crypto mixers, Whir is at a crossroads. Increased regulatory scrutiny, especially from regions with strict overregulation such as the United States (US) and the European Union (EU), has created significant challenges for crypto mixers. As a result, we have to make a difficult request to our valued users from these regions: we kindly ask you to refrain from using our CoinJoin service.

1 month ago · 4 min read

Crypto wallets disable CoinJoin

In recent years, the cryptocurrency world has seen a growing tension between regulators and privacy-focused services. Recent crackdowns on prominent players such as Tornado Cash and Samourai Wallet are sending shockwaves through the crypto industry and raising fears of over-regulation. The costs of oversight and control are high and, as usual, are passed on to ordinary users, who end up losing the ability to conduct crypto transactions privately.

Mix Bitcoins (3% fee)
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