Bitcoin Mixers

Bitcoin Mixers make Bitcoin anonymous.
Make your Bitcoin private now.

01 confirmation
to mix coins
00 coinjoin
1% fixed
NO No kyc,
no logs
24/7 same-day

How do Bitcoin Mixers work?  

Bitcoin mixers are platforms that allow Bitcoin users to increase their anonymity by obscuring the transactions on several different levels. Most Bitcoin mixers work pretty straightforwardly: Users send their money into a pool, which then "shuffles" around all the Bitcoins and sends them out based on the amount sent.

How do Bitcoin Mixers work?

Just like other Bitcoin mixers, Whir works like this:

1) Enter the Bitcoin address (or multiple addresses) where you want to receive the mixed Bitcoins. Optionally, set the delay to process your transaction. The longer the delay, the higher the anonymity of the mixed Bitcoins.

2) Send the Bitcoins you want to mix to the address generated by Whir.

3) After the first confirmation of your deposit, Whir will mix your Bitcoins and send them to the address (or addresses) entered in the first step.

Why do we need Bitcoin mixers when Bitcoin is anonymous?

Why do we need Bitcoin mixers when Bitcoin is anonymous?

First of all, Bitcoin is not anonymous. Sending and receiving Bitcoin leaves a trace in the blockchain. If your transaction is ever linked to your identity, all your previous transactions can be linked to you.

Anyone you send Bitcoin to can look up your previous transactions or even see your crypto balance. And this is where Bitcoin mixers can help.

How do Bitcoin mixers make Bitcoin anonymous?

Bitcoin mixers use so called CoinJoin transactions. CoinJoin is an advancement on already existing technology that helps users protect their privacy while sending (and receiving) Bitcoin. CoinJoin is a multiparty Bitcoin transaction at the end of which it is unclear who owns which Bitcoin.

Consider the following transactions made at the same time: A purchases an item from B, C purchases an item from D, and E purchases an item from F. Without CoinJoin, the public blockchain ledger would record three separate transactions for each input-output match.

With CoinJoin, only one single transaction is recorded. The ledger would show that Bitcoins were paid from A, C, and E addresses to B, D, and F. By masking the deals made by all parties, an observer cannot with full certainty determine who sent Bitcoins to whom.

Is it safe to use Bitcoin mixers?

Is it safe to use Bitcoin mixers?

It is absolutely safe to use Whir. However, it is up to you to decide whether need to use Bitcoin mixers. Before using Bitcon mixers, always do a due diligence and read the Terms of use.

However, even if you are perfectly confident about your preferred mixer, we always recommend you to mix smaller amounts of Bitcoin instead of large sums at once.

Why should I choose Whir?


The speed of Bitcoin mixers is important for users who want to quickly and efficiently obscure the origin of their Bitcoin transactions.

Whir offers instant Bitcoin mixing, that lets you to receive mixed coins immediately after the first confirmation of your deposit.

Optionally, to increase the anonymity mixed Bitcoins, you can choose your transaction's delay.


The security of Bitcoin mixers varies. Some mixers may have strong security measures in place to protect the privacy of their users, while others may be less secure.

It is important to carefully research Bitcoin mixers you are considering and to make sure that they have strong security measures in place.

To guarantee the highest level of security, Whir has a team of in-house security specialists. Additionally, to increase the safety and privacy of our users, we never require or log any personal details, such as name, email, or IP address, and delete all transaction details after 24 hours.


Some users may find Bitcoin mixers to be convenient because they allow them to quickly and easily obscure the origin of their Bitcoin transactions. Other users may find Bitcoin mixers to be inconvenient because they may have limits on the amount of Bitcoin that can be mixed at one time, or because they may require users to go through additional steps to use the service.

Whir combines the speed, privacy and affordability, while allowing you to mix up to 1 BTC in a single transaction, without registration or KYC.

Questions about Bitcoin mixers

What is Whir?

Whir is a service that returns privacy to your Bitcoin by utilizing a Bitcoin mixnig method called CoinJoin. Learn about CoinJoin

What is a Bitcoin mixer?

A Bitcoin mixer, also known as a Bitcoin tumbler, is a service that is used to obscure the origin of Bitcoin transactions. When a Bitcoin transaction is made, it is recorded on the blockchain, which is a public record of all Bitcoin transactions. The blockchain allows anyone to see the transaction history of any Bitcoin address. This can be a problem for people who want to keep their Bitcoin transactions private, as anyone can see how much money they have sent and received.

A Bitcoin mixer works by taking in Bitcoin from many different people and then sending out new Bitcoin to different addresses, making it difficult to trace the original transactions. This can be useful for people who want to keep their Bitcoin transactions private for various reasons, such as for privacy or to protect themselves from being targeted by hackers.

Learn more about Bitcoin mixer

Why should I use a Bitcoin mixer?

There are a few reasons why someone might want to use a Bitcoin mixer:

Privacy. Using a Bitcoin mixer can help to obscure the origin of a person's Bitcoin transactions, which can provide an additional layer of privacy.

Security. If someone's Bitcoin address is publicly known, they may be more vulnerable to hacking attacks. By using a Bitcoin mixer to obscure the origin of their transactions, they can make it more difficult for hackers to target them.

Anonymity. Some people may want to use Bitcoin anonymously, either for personal privacy or to protect themselves from potential repercussions in countries where Bitcoin is not legal. A Bitcoin mixer can help to obscure the identity of the person making the transaction.

Check out Bitcoin privacy use cases

Isn't Bitcoin anonymous?

Bitcoin is often referred to as an anonymous digital currency, but in reality, it is only pseudonymous. While Bitcoin transactions do not contain any personal information about the people involved, they are still recorded on the blockchain, which is a public ledger. This means that anyone can see the transaction history of any Bitcoin address.

Therefore, while Bitcoin transactions are not directly linked to a person's real-world identity, they can still be traced through other means. For example, if someone uses their real identity to buy Bitcoin or if they use their Bitcoin address for other purposes (such as posting it online or associating it with their online identity), then it may be possible to trace their Bitcoin transactions back to them.

For this reason, some people choose to use a Bitcoin mixer to obscure the origin of their transactions and provide an additional layer of anonymity.

Learn more about Bitcoin anonymity

Is Whir anonymous?

Absolutely. Whir is an anonymous, non-KYC Bitcoin mixing service.

We never ask for user names, email addresses, or other forms of identification. Additionally, we don’t log IP addresses and don’t use tracking scripts.

If you need an extra layer of privacy, you can use the Tor version of our service at whirtorawujmhkfrmgmszdlgi5zu7nwo2w33xa4lm3smz3qztjnfwhid.onion.

Do you require KYC?

Know Your Customer (KYC) is a process that financial institutions and other regulated companies use to verify the identity of their clients and assess their potential risks for money laundering or financing terrorism.

The KYC process typically involves collecting and verifying personal information about a customer, such as their name, address, and date of birth. This information is used to identify the customer and confirm that they are who they claim to be. In some cases, a company may also ask for additional information or documents, such as a government-issued ID or proof of address, to complete the KYC process.

The purpose of KYC is to help companies comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) regulations, which require them to have a thorough understanding of their customers and their financial activities. By collecting and verifying this information, companies can better identify and mitigate any potential risks associated with their customers.

It is not necessary to do Know Your Customer (KYC) when using Bitcoin as a currency. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that allows users to send and receive payments without the need for a central authority or financial institution. This means that there is no requirement for users to provide personal information or go through a KYC process when using Bitcoin.

Therefore, we do not require users to complete a KYC process in order to use our platform.

Are there any Bitcoin mixing limits?

Whir Bitcoin mixer have limits on the amount of Bitcoin that can be mixed at one time.

The minimum amount you can mix is 0.01 BTC.

Even though some Bitcoin mixers promise to mix up to 1000 BTC at once, to guarantee the best privacy, and legal status of the transactions, Whir limits each transaction up to 1 BTC.

How long does it take to process transaction?

As soon as we receive the third confirmation of your transaction, we will initiate the Bitcoin mixing transaction.

If you chose "instant mixing" service, you will receive your mixed Bitcoin within a few minutes.

If you chose a delay, the mixing transaction can potentially take several hours or more to complete the process.

How does a Bitcoin mixer makes Bitcoin private?

A Bitcoin mixer works by taking in Bitcoin from many different people and then sending out new Bitcoin to different addresses. This makes it difficult to trace the original transactions, as the funds have been mixed with the funds of many other people.

For example, imagine that Alice wants to send 1 Bitcoin to Bob. If Alice sends the Bitcoin directly from her wallet to Bob's wallet, the transaction will be recorded on the blockchain, which is a public ledger of all Bitcoin transactions. Anyone can see that Alice sent 1 Bitcoin to Bob, and they can also see the transaction history of both Alice's and Bob's Bitcoin addresses.

Now imagine that Alice uses a Bitcoin mixer to send the 1 Bitcoin to Bob. The mixer takes in Bitcoin from Alice and many other people, and then sends out new Bitcoin to different addresses. This makes it difficult to trace the original transactions, as the funds have been mixed with the funds of many other people. Therefore, it is more difficult to see that Alice sent 1 Bitcoin to Bob, as the transaction is mixed with many other transactions.

This privacy-enhancing technique used to mix Bitcoin transactions is referred to as CoinJoin. CoinJoin works by allowing multiple users to combine their Bitcoin transactions into a single transaction, making it more difficult to determine which input corresponds to which output.

With CoinJoin, the transactions can be combined into a single transaction with multiple inputs and outputs. This makes it more difficult to determine which input corresponds to which output.

Learn more about CoinJoin

Do you keep transaction logs?

We permanently delete all transaction logs 24 hours after the Bitcoin mixing transaction is complete.

We do not log IP addresses and do not use 3rd party tracking scripts from Google or Facebook.

If privacy is still of concern to you, we recommend using the Tor browser and Tor version of our service at whirtorawujmhkfrmgmszdlgi5zu7nwo2w33xa4lm3smz3qztjnfwhid.onion.


Everyone has right for their privacy.

Privacy is a fundamental human right recognized by the UN Declaration of Human rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and in other treaties. No matter who you are, Whir is for all of you*.

* Okay, let’s be clear. Privacy is absolutely vital for the bad guys, too. We, however, do not support the crooks, and our service is not suitable for them either. Even though Whir does the best to anonymize the transactions, there are far better coins for crypto anonymity, such as Monero or zcash. Please read our terms before use.

People should have privacy. Governments should have transparency.

Julian Assange

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