—— 5 months ago · 6 min read ——

The best Bitcoin mixers in 2024

What will be the best way to mix Bitcoins in 2024?

We have all acknowledged that Bitcoin transactions are not anonymous. We have also acknowledged that KYC regulations and many on-chain analysis methods make Bitcoin transactions even more transparent and easier to trace back to their origin. And for those who are still not aware of how easily Bitcoin transactions can be backtracked, please read our previous articles: The role of Bitcoin anonymizers, Bitcoin Transaction Tracking, or Why do we need Bitcoin mixing?

So, what challenges will the ordinary privacy-conscious Bitcoin enthusiast face in 2024, and what will be the best way to protect Bitcoin transactions from unwanted scrutiny? What will be the best way to anonymize Bitcoins in 2024?

​CoinJoin - yet the best way to mix Bitcoin

CoinJoin, or the CoinJoin protocol, refers to the process of a coordinated Bitcoin joining transaction involving many unknown participants, often using the Tor network to maximize privacy.

The CoinJoin protocol has been integrated into some privacy-focused Bitcoin wallets, such as the Wasabi or Samurai wallets. It has also been integrated into hardware wallet Trezor, and Bitcoin mixers such as Whir are built on top of the CoinJoin protocol.

CoinJoin eliminates many privacy issues that arise from the inherent transparency of the blockchain. Most crypto exchanges can easily link your real-world identity to your Bitcoin transactions based on the biometrics they collect. These exchanges can track your transactions even after you have withdrawn your funds, or they can share your information with third parties. However, CoinJoin prevents such surveillance and unwanted monitoring. CoinJoin works in two ways, and the Bitcoin mixing service may typically offer a "mixing CoinJoin" or a "spending CoinJoin".

Mixing CoinJoin is simply used to make Bitcoin anonymous, and is mostly powered by Bitcoin mixers. Once you deposit your funds with the crypto mixer, it will mix your coins using CoinJoin protocol and send them back to the address you provide.

Spending CoinJoin is used only at the time of payment, where a recipient receives mixed Bitcoins directly from a sender as the output of a CoinJoin process built directly into a wallet such as Wasabi or Samurai. The Trezor hardware wallet with Trezor Suite creates your CoinJoin account, where you can mix your Bitcoins and use them when needed.

Some users prefer to use Bitcoin mixer to make their Bitcoins anonymous, and some prefer to make anonymous payments only. Bitcoin mixer can be used by anyone and will easily but very effectively mix your Bitcoins no matter where you are located or what software or hardware you are using.

Other Bitcoin mixing options that include privacy-focused wallets have their limitations. For example, the Samurai wallet is only available for Android. The popular Wasabi wallet is only a desktop wallet, and the Trezor wallet is the first hardware wallet to integrate the CoinJoin protocol.

The truth is that in this Orwellian surveillance society where your information is being collected and often used against you, financial privacy and anonymous payments are fundamental elements that require your full attention. It's obvious that every Bitcoin project is under pressure to collect more and more data and biometrics if possible, but what you do with your Bitcoin is your business, isn't it?

Mix your Bitcoins with Whir — a CoinJoin-powered Bitcoin mixer with no logs and no KYC or registration.

​Bitcoin mixing with Samurai wallet

Samourai wallet is a Bitcoin-exclusive Android wallet that seamlessly blends privacy and security features. Although lacking hardware support presently, upcoming versions promise to address this, enhancing the overall user experience.

Samourai's wallet employs a CoinJoin process known as Whirlpool, which distinguishes itself by adopting a unique approach to enhance privacy and security in Bitcoin transactions. Unlike traditional CoinJoin implementations that involve one big pool, Whirlpool is designed around many small and fast pools.

In Whirlpool, the CoinJoin process is broken down into multiple smaller cycles, allowing for quicker and more frequent Bitcoin mixing. This approach aims to achieve a higher level of Bitcoin privacy.

Samourai was among the first to adopt SegWit transactions, reducing costs and paving the way for the Lightning Network. In its pre-release phase at version 0.99.60, anticipation builds for the imminent 1.0 release, heralding a new era in Bitcoin wallet functionality.

​Bitcoin mixing with Wasabi wallet 2.0.5

Just before Christmas, Wasabi wallet proudly unveiled its latest version 2.0.5. This release places a strong emphasis on fortifying the security, privacy, and overall user experience within the realm of Bitcoin transactions.

From refining coin selection algorithms to elevating CoinJoin functionality, Wasabi wallet consistently raises the bar for safeguarded and confidential financial management. Augmenting user privacy stands as a hallmark for Wasabi wallet, employing cutting-edge privacy techniques like the CoinJoin protocol.

Breaking new ground with version 2.0.5, Wasabi wallet introduces the revolutionary "Buy Anything" button, empowering users to effortlessly conduct transactions using Bitcoin for acquisitions.

As it unveils version 2.1.0, Wasabi wallet ushers in advanced privacy features, lightning-fast transactions, an instinctive user interface, and a comprehensive transaction analytics dashboard, reshaping the landscape of user interactions within the realm of Bitcoin transactions.

​Bitcoin mixing with Trezor wallet

Trezor hardware wallet stands as the pioneering hardware wallet that has seamlessly integrated the CoinJoin protocol, offering users a unique and secure method to enhance the privacy of their Bitcoin transactions. With the introduction of Trezor Suite, users now have the capability to create a dedicated CoinJoin account, streamlining the process of mixing their Bitcoins.

The Trezor hardware wallet, known for its robust security features, enables users to directly utilize their mixed Bitcoins for payments through the CoinJoin account facilitated by Trezor Suite. This innovative approach not only bolsters the privacy of transactions but also simplifies the user experience by providing a straightforward means of conducting transactions with mixed Bitcoins directly from the dedicated CoinJoin account.

​CoinJoin powered Bitcoin mixers

Anonymous Bitcoin wallets allow users to mix their Bitcoins so that they can pay with clean coins, but if you want to anonymize your Bitcoin stash, then you should use a Bitcoin mixer. One of the best things about the Bitcoin mixer is that it requires no registration or installation, and you can mix your coins with just a few clicks.

CoinJoin powered Bitcoin mixer Whir is no KYC crypto zero-knowledge software that does not require any personal data or biometrics. What's more, Whir doesn't require any downloads or installations like some privacy-focused Bitcoin wallets.

Whir has integrated the CoinJoin protocol, which works on the same principle as the Wasabi, Samurai, or Trezor wallets. Users can choose how well they wish to mix their coins and how long it’ll take. The Bitcoin mixing process is really simple; just enter the address to receive mixed coins, deposit your funds to the address generated by the mixer, and start mixing. Once your coins are mixed, they are simply sent to the address provided to receive the mixed coins.

Whir does not support money laundering or terrorist financing. Our commitment is evident in response to FinCEN's recent labeling of Bitcoin mixers and CVC mixing as a primary tool for money laundering and terrorist financing. We have implemented our one Bitcoin mixing limit. This limit reflects our commitment to primarily serve regular users who wish to anonymize their transactions in this environment of intense scrutiny and surveillance.


Without a doubt, the best way to mix Bitcoin will be to use the CoinJoin-powered Bitcoin mixing service. CoinJoin has proven to be the best way to mix your coins and make them anonymous. For those who want absolute privacy, we recommend combining the above coin anonymization services. So the best way to anonymize your Bitcoins is to use a Bitcoin mixer and then send the mixed funds to one of the above mentioned privacy-focused Bitcoin wallets.

Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.

Further reading

3 days ago · 6 min read

Crypto Mixers and the Fight for Privacy

Financial privacy is under increasing threat from stringent KYC and AML regulations. While these measures are intended to curb illicit activity, they also expose ordinary users to extensive surveillance and data collection, undermining their personal autonomy and security. As a result of these regulations, crypto mixers and privacy-focused wallets are being targeted, but what are the real consequences of losing financial privacy?

17 days ago · 5 min read

A message to US and EU users

With the recent pressure to eliminate blockchain privacy tools such as privacy wallets and crypto mixers, Whir is at a crossroads. Increased regulatory scrutiny, especially from regions with strict overregulation such as the United States (US) and the European Union (EU), has created significant challenges for crypto mixers. As a result, we have to make a difficult request to our valued users from these regions: we kindly ask you to refrain from using our CoinJoin service.

1 month ago · 4 min read

Crypto wallets disable CoinJoin

In recent years, the cryptocurrency world has seen a growing tension between regulators and privacy-focused services. Recent crackdowns on prominent players such as Tornado Cash and Samourai Wallet are sending shockwaves through the crypto industry and raising fears of over-regulation. The costs of oversight and control are high and, as usual, are passed on to ordinary users, who end up losing the ability to conduct crypto transactions privately.

Mix Bitcoins (3% fee)
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